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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tantra Sex Energy

  • Activate your energy body
  • Quiet the mind and come present
  • Arouse shakti energy; generate and intensify sexual energy
  • Direct your orgasmic energy upward through the chakras 
    (key to achieving the sexual and spiritual benefits of tantra)
  • Become the conscious witness of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations

 The sexual activity is a ritual and works best when performed well. The more intense the sexual energy created, the more chemical change in the body and brain is created; the more your electromagnetic field is energized; the greater are your higher powers opened, the more insight you can gain; etc., etc.
c. Because the sexual activity is a ritual and because the better it is done the stronger the ritual, and because the more intense the sexual energy produced, the more energy available to grow with, and because you have meditated on your focus before beginning the active ritual, your only need during the active sexual portion of the ritual is to focus on how much energy you can produce. In simple terms, how turned on can you get. The more the better. The more often the better.

. Sexual character of the body and brain.

a. The more intense the sexual activity the more the chemistry changes. activity changes the chemical
b. Orgasm, especially in men, tends to switch off the chemical changes.
c. Plateau stage (pre-orgasm) sexual activity brings the strongest long-term chemical change.
d. Plateau stage sexual activity is not commonly reached prior to 7-12 minutes of arousal activity.
e. A minimum of 38 minutes of Plateau Stage sexual activity is required to reach a "mature" stage of chemical change in the body and brain.
f. The longer the chemical change produced by sexual activity is continued, the more the higher brain circuits are energized into awareness.
g. The more often sexual energy is used to produce the desired energy the less often the body and brain will return to the old energy, which you are trying to change.
h. Continued practice of sexual rituals at a high frequency aids in gaining control over the Desire Nature which is that portion of the ego demanding attention at all costs.
Great sex brings Great chemistry brings Great energy brings higher brain awareness brings more spiritual awareness......

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